
Jul 7, 2021

NorthScope 2021 Q2 In Review

2021 Second Quarter New Features & Improvements

NorthScope ERP software for alaska seafood processors


Reports & Inquires Improvements

Inquiry Updates

We made improvements to the GL Account Balances, the GL Account Balances by Period and the Journal Line History inquiries from search parameter improvements to toolbar button changes and grid changes. For a full list of the updates, visit our Online Help.

Fisherman Accounting

Report & Inquiry Improvements

Inquiry Updates

We made improvements to the Fish Ticket History, the Fish Ticket Item History, the Fisherman Balance Details, and the Fisherman & Loan Activity inquiries as well as the Fisherman Balances page from search parameter improvements to toolbar button changes and grid changes. For a full list of the updates, visit our Online Help.

Fisherman Balance Detail Inquiry

We love details, which is why we created the new Fisherman Balance Detail Inquiry, which allows you to view the transaction details for one or more Fishermen, Fisherman & Tenders, Tenders, and Loans.

Fish Ticket History & Fish Ticket Item History Inquiry

The Fish Ticket History and Fish Ticket Item History inquiries have been upgraded to the new framework. By now, you’ve probably figured out that anytime we convert an inquiry to the new framework, previous Inquiry Criteria filters are added to the page as Search Options. We also added a Version search option and a Search text box to both inquiries for further filtering of results. BAM! The Version search option allows users to filter all ticket versions or the current Posted version. The Search text box has the ability to search, either using Keywords or not, on Ticket, Class, Delivery, Permit Holder (as Permit), Vessel, Site and Tender.  Please see this FAQ for more information on searching with keywords.

Check & ACH Remittance Reports

We updated the preferences for Check and ACH Remittance reports to be lookups instead of text boxes so you don’t have to worry about entering incorrect report names.


Usability Improvements

Page Updates

We love our customers! Thanks to all the feedback and comments, we have made several NorthScope 3.0 Framework updates to improve the usability of pages. For the entire list of customer-driven improvements, visit our Release Notes.

Improved Navigation

We made some navigation updates to make things easier on you. For example, when you drill-down to inquiries from specific record links your pre-saved search settings won’t interfere with the data you’re trying to get to. Also, we’ve consolidated the View toolbar button options and the More Actions toolbar button options into a single More Options button with two groupings. Similarly, we standardized the sequence of all toolbar buttons to improve consistency from page to page.


Transaction Improvements

Improved Warehouse Lot Mass Update

Now, if you try to Mass Update the Warehouse Lot and To Warehouse Lot on Transfer transactions when the transaction is Approved or Ready To Post/Posted, you’ll receive the error message “Warehouse Lot may only be updated for transactions in the status of New.”

Improved Performance

We’re big on improving performance any chance we get, which is why we enhanced the History Inquiries and posting of inventory transactions.

Report & Inquiry Improvements

Commitments & Allocations Inquiry

Previously, the Commitments and Allocations Inquiry had a column displaying the Salesperson on the corresponding transaction. Now, we updated the inquiry to display a column for each of the salesperson types – inside and outside.

Improved Performance

We’re big on improving performance any chance we get, which is why we enhanced the History Inquiries and posting of inventory transactions.


Vendor Balances Improvements

Improved Apply Documents Process

The Unapplied Payable Documents page used to display all documents that could be applied for all Vendors when opened from the Apply Documents button on the Vendor Balances page. Now, only records associated with the specific Vendor you chose will display.

Report & Inquiry Improvements

Check & ACH Remittance Reports

Just like we did in the Fisherman Accounting functional area, we updated the preferences for Check and ACH Remittance reports to be lookups instead of text boxes so you don’t have to worry about entering incorrect report names.


Customer Balances Improvements

Improved Apply Documents Process

Similar to the Vendor Balances page, we updated the Unapplied Receivable Documents page to only show records associate with the customer(s) you selected when you clicked on the Apply Documents button from the Customer Balances page.

Transaction Improvements

Improved Sales Order – Feature Spotlight!

Big news! The highly anticipated update to the Sales functional area is here. As a result of feedback gathered from our customers, the Sales functional area has been redesigned with users in mind. Many of the pages have been converted to the NorthScope™ 3.0 framework. Additionally, we made fixes under the hood to increase performance and decrease processing time. For the complete breakdown of all the updates we made, visit our Release Notes.

***For all Release Notes from Q2, please visit our Online Help***