NorthScope 2023 Q4 In Review
2023 Fourth Quarter New Features & Improvements

New Features
Added Costing to NorthScope – Feature Spotlight!
For Items that have a costing method of “Active” we will automatically post to the GL when posting Inventory transactions, Sales transactions and AP invoices. But we didn’t stop there. We added profit columns to the Sales Order Record View. You can now see in real time the cost amount of the product you are selling to understand profitability. These columns haven’t only been added to the record view but also to all list view and inquiries within the Sales Functional Area. This release gives you the visibility you really want when it comes to your product cost and profitability. There is so much more than what we can fit in this tiny release note. Please reach out to us if you’d like more information.
New Features
Unrealized Gain/Loss Journal Entries
When working with multiple currencies, depending on when a sales transaction or payable transaction is paid, you may gain or lose money depending on the current exchange rate. That’s great to know at the time of paying a transaction but what if you want to plan out how the month is going to look, or plan for the next month? That’s exactly what we added Unrealized Gain/Loss Journal Entries to NorthScope for.
Manual Payments
There may be times when you make a payment that happens outside of NorthScope , in these cases, you want to record it in NorthScope so that you can keep your checkbook balances up to date and even your GL if you so choose. Of course, this will not impact vendor or fisherman balances. So if you must make payments outside of NorthScope, you can now record these in NorthScope (Manual Payment Record View). Oh yeah, you can File Import them too!
GL Account Updates
You can now assign GL Accounts to Sales Line items on a Sales Order in case you need to change the account. Additionally, we added some fancy lookup shortcuts, which you can head over to Help to see how useful it is.
Fisherman Accounting
New Features
eLandings Upload (beta)
It’s been a thing to download from eLandings for quite a while now, but pushing to eLandings has not been a thing. With this release we have introduced upload to eLandings (beta). This will be done via Mass Update in the Fish Ticket list view.
New Features
BOM Views
Some new screens are comin’ in hot. We just released the BOM Class List View, BOMs List View, BOM Record View and Cost Items List View. These pages will be used more heavily in a future release when they are added to Production Orders and Production Transactions. Check out the Help for more information.
Receipt Transaction Features
You can now change the site at the line item level on Receipt Transactions for when you receive a delivery of product that’s getting placed in different sites. But wait there’s more! What if you made a mistake when you filled in the Production Batch and Warehouse Lot information? (We know that’s not really a thing and mistakes never happen, but just imagine with us). You can now edit the Production Batch and Warehouse Lot fields as well.
Master File Pages
Three point O! Three point O! Three point O! That’s the chant we had here at NLP as we saw the conversion of Cost Groups, Country of Origin, Lot Owners, Lot Certifications and Freight Terms. All these screens will now be more performant and be more consistent with other screens in the Inventory Functional Area.
AP Process Payments Updates
We revamped Process Payments in Accounts Payable and converted it to 3.0. With this revamp came two new payment types: Draft and Wire. Plus, we now support multi-currency for Payables!
New Features
Price Adjustment Transactions for Multiple Invoices at Once
We added the ability for you to create Price Adjustments for multiple Invoices at once, meaning you can reprice by item and reprice all orders with that item at one time. For all the cool things we have given you the ability to do with price adjustments, click here.
Hold up! That’s basically what you are telling someone when they are trying to print an order on hold when the hold code disables the print button. The issue with this however is that it only worked from the record view. But hold on, not anymore! Now if an order is on hold and the hold code disables the print button the order will no longer be able to print reports from list views. For more info on the expected behavior follow the yellow brick road.
Added back the Avail. Credit % and Credit Limit fields
We added fields for Available Credit % and Credit Limit to the order header and, based on the percentage, these fields are highlighted in different colors.
***For all Release Notes from Q4, please visit our Online Help***