
Oct 1, 2020

How To Reduce Your Alaska Seafood Business’s Manual Data Entry (AKA: Stress) By 49% Or More While Increasing Accuracy, Visibility And Time In Your Day

2020 Alaska Seafood Processing List of Resources Blog Image

If you’re an Alaska Seafood Processor that’s juggling multiple systems to manage your business you’re probably tired of the repetitive manual data entry that creates a large margin for error, not to mention the time wasted on entering the same information you already entered 🙄 You may also be irritated that all your information doesn’t live in a single system for you to get a clear picture of the status of your business or pull meaningful reports easily. If this sounds like you, we’re happy to report there’s a better, faster, less stressful solution that can help you reduce your manual data entry and other stress factors by 49%* or more!

The solution? Alaska Seafood Processing ERP software (we recommend NorthScope, obviously). Here’s the deal: ERP software is meant to manage your entire business within a single system. However, that can be hard to do for specific industries with unique needs, such as the Alaska Seafood industry. That’s why an Alaska Seafood specific ERP system is necessary so that it understands your needs and provides a solution to meet all of them. What this would look like is a single system with functionality to support:

  • Fish Tickets with eLandings integration
  • Fisherman, Tender & Loan Management
  • Transactions for Fishermen, Tenders & Local Sales
  • Split Fisherman Checks
  • Safe Pay & Direct Deposit (ACH) for Fishermen & Tenders
  • Fisherman Charges & Credits from AP Transactions
  • Fish Ticket Taxes & Premiums
  • Price List Management
  • Sales Tax Management
  • Pre-loaded ADF&G Master File Data
  • Repricing, Voiding & Correcting of Historical Fish Tickets
  • User-Defined Fields Unique to each Transaction Type
  • Configurable Transaction Classes
  • Flexible Reporting & Inquiries with Drill-Through to Transactions
  • Plus the rest of your business processes like accounting, inventory, sales, purchasing, and more!

With all of the above features, your single system can help you with time savings like the following:

The bottom line? As your manual data entry decreases, you can also expect your stress, costs, and more to decrease while managing your business seamlessly!

To learn more about how NorthScope can help you reduce your manual data entry while increasing accuracy, visibility, and time in your day for your Alaska Seafood Processing business, book a free demo today!

*Results may vary